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Did you know you can view and monitor the power consumption of your smart home? With the Freedompro app, you can track the electrical usage of your accessories connected to smart modules.

All Freedompro smart devices provide an energy metering function that calculates the power consumption of each connected accessory in real time.

In this guide, let's take a step-by-step look at how to monitor the electricity consumption of all the accessories belonging to your home. When you finish reading, you will be able to see both the instantaneous electricity consumption and the history of your devices' energy usage data.

Are you ready? Let's get started.


  • Freedompro app updated to version 1.2.0

  • Freedompro smart module paired with Freedompro app
    (Pairing Guide)

How to monitor instant power consumption

As anticipated, the energy metering function on board the Freedompro smart modules allows you to be able to consult the electricity consumption of the devices in your home.

To monitor the electrical usage of a device in real time, you only need to follow these steps:

  • Open the Freedompro app on your smartphone;

  • On the "Home" screen, search for the accessory whose consumption you want to consult;

  • If the accessory is turned on, just below the status, the consumption will be displayed in watts.

Please note: Dry contact devices do not support the energy metering function.

How to consult the electrical consumption history of devices

As anticipated, the Freedompro smart home management app provides a special section to look up the electricity consumption history of every single device at home.

Follow these steps to find out how to monitor your energy usage history:

  • Open the Freedompro app on your smartphone;

  • Tap on the "Usage" icon at the bottom of the screen.

Once you reach this screen, you will see a chart displaying your home's total energy consumption history. You will be able to select and filter the graph according to your needs, choosing to view electricity consumption for a specific time frame: day, week, month, and year.


  • Straight line: represents the average consumption of the current period

  • Dotted line: represents the average consumption of the previous period.

At the bottom of the screen, you can further refine the view of the graph by choosing to view electricity consumption for the selected time period broken down by: accessories, categories, or rooms.

Finally, you can view the history of the electricity consumption of each accessory in detail by simply tapping on the accessory you wish to consult.

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