🇬🇧 Easykon Lite for KNX

🇬🇧 Easykon Lite for KNX

Easykon Lite for KNX is a software for Raspberry Pi that, without any work on the electrical panel or on the system, allows to control with Google, Amazon Alexa, Home Assistant and IFTTT platforms, every home automation plant realised with standard KNX devices.

Follow these 4 simple steps to perform the installation of Easykon Lite, complete the pairing with Google, Amazon Alexa, Home Assistant and IFTTT platforms and manage the sharing of the KNX system with other users.



4 steps to complete the installation and configure Easykon Lite on the KNX system:

  1. Software downloads

  2. Installation on Raspberry Pi

  3. Mapping the accessories

  4. Configure with App Freedompro

  5. Pairing with Google, Amazon Alexa, Home Assistant and IFTTT

Software download

You can download Easykon Lite for KNX software directly from Freedompro website. The download is free of charge and you will be able to use our product on your KNX system for 7 days without any other cost.

What can I do to use the software after the 7 free days?

To download the software needed for the installation:

  • Go to the product page

  • Click on “Download” and fill the form

  • You will be redirected to a page with the download link, select the version that best suits your installation

In the page you will find 3 download links, one for each Raspberry Pi model supported from Easykon Lite for KNX. Choose the one created for the hardware you want to use. To check the model of the Raspberry Pi you are using, look at the device, you will find a white inscription on the green electrical board.

Raspberry Pi models compatible with Easykon Lite for KNX are:

  • Raspberry Pi 3 Model B

  • Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+

  • Raspberry Pi 4 Model B

Great, now you have all you need to proceed to the Raspberry Pi installation.

Installation on Raspberry Pi


  • Easykon Lite for KNX software in the correct version for the Raspberry Pi model you want to use

  • One Writing SD card software:

  • Supported Raspberry Pi

  • Power supply compatible with the Raspberry Pi model you want to use

  • Micro SD card with at least 4 GB storage

  • Computer with micro SD card reader

  • Ethernet cable with RJ-45 connector to connect to the local network (LAN)

To install Easykon Lite for KNX on Raspberry Pi:

  1. Connect the micro SD reader to the PC (if it is necessary use the adapter) and insert the card you want to use

  2. Open the software to write the micro SD

  3. Select "Operating System", among the option that appear click on “Use custom” and then search in your computer Easykon Lite for KNX software that you downloaded (.zip file)

  4. Click on "SD Card", select the micro SD card that you put in the computer and press on "Write"

  5. Select "Yes" to start the writing

  6. At the end of this operation, put the micro SD card in the Raspberry Pi

  7. Connect the power supply to the micro USB connector and the RJ-45 cable to your Raspberry Pi

Check that the cabling is correct, if the Raspberry Pi has been powered correctly you will see the LED on the device turn on and you will be ready to configure your KNX system.



Activation and configuration

To work, Easykon Lite for KNX needs to be activated first, this operation is done through the Freedompro App.


  • Smartphone connected to internet

  • Apple, Google or Facebook account

To activate your Easykon Lite for KNX:

  1. Access to the configuration interface writing "http://easykon-lite.local" in the address bar of your browser

  2. Click on “Sign in”

  3. Check to be connected to the internet and select “Activate”

  4. In Freedompro Cloud page, login with your Freedompro profile. If you don’t have one, don’t worry, clicking on “Continue with Google” or “Continue with Facebook” or “Continue with Apple” you will create it automatically

  5. Insert your Google, Facebook or Apple credentials

  6. Select “Back to configuration panel” and “Continue with the free version”

Congratulations! You correctly activate your Easykon Lite for KNX. You have 7 days to test all the functionalities of our software on your KNX system free of charge, then you can just buy a licence to use it forever.



Mapping the accessories

To access to the configuration panel and proceed to mapping the accessories installed on the system, Easykon Lite for KNX needs to be connected to any KNX gateway or a KNX router.

Easykon Lite for KNX must be activated, before connecting the KNX gateway or KNX router.

To connect the KNX gateway/router and access to the configuration panel:

  1. Access to Easykon Lite for KNX writing "http://easykon-lite.local" in the address bar of your browser

  2. Click on “Sign in"

  3. Select “Continue with the free version”

  4. Select the KNX gateway/router you want to connect

  5. Check that the gateway information are correct and click on “Connect” on the top right

You cannot access to the interface?

Once connected Easykon Lite for KNX to the KNX router/gateway of your system, you will see the configuration panel and you will be able to start mapping your plant accessories.



From the configuration panel it is possible to choose which of your KNX system accessories to connect to the Google, Amazon Alexa, Home Assistant and IFTTT worlds.

For every accessory you have to write a name, select the category among the ones compatible with Easykon Lite for KNX and complete the parameters with the Status and command group addresses required.

To add an accessory:

  1. Click on the "+" at the top left

  2. Select the correct accessory category for the accessory to be mapped

  3. Enter the name you want to assign to the object. This will be the name used by Google and Amazon Alexa, it will be possible to change it directly from the applications

  4. Complete the parameters with the group addresses

  5. Click on save to map the accessory

Repeat this step for every accessory you want to make compatible with Google, Amazon Alexa and IFTTT.

See the article Compatible accessories to see the details of the parameters for each accessory.

Even faster mapping! You can import the file .knxproj or .xml generated in ETS, view the structure of your KNX project and drag the group address directly in the web interface for even faster configuration.

Well, now that you have mapped the accessories that interest you, control them with the platform of your choice Google, Amazon Alexa, Home Asistant and IFTTT.

Easykon Lite for KNX supports a maximum of 30 accessories. if your system has more of them, you will see the ones configured after the thirtieth disabled. Disable the accessories that you don’t want to control with Google, Amazon Alexa, Home Assistant and IFTTT platforms and enable the others. If you need to manage more than 30 accessories you can install more than one Easykon Lite for KNX on your plant or purchase Easykon for KNX that supports a maximum of 149 accessories.

Configure with App Freedompro

Have you always dreamed of controlling all the accessories in your smart home from one app? The app Freedompro gives you a complete and innovative smart home experience! Follow the steps below to pair your Freedompro Modules with your smartphone in no time.

  • Download the app Freedompro;



  • Accept permissions requested by the application and log in with your Freedompro account. If you do not have an account you can create one through Apple, Facebook or Google;

  • Click on the "+" in the upper right corner;

  • Click "Detected Modules";

  • Select your Easykon Module:

  • Enter the 8-digit security code on the front of the module;

  • You can now place your accessories in rooms to use the Freedompro app or skip them by clicking 'Skip';

  • Once you have completed the procedure click on "Done".



Your Freedompro Lite is now ready to use.

You can customize the settings and change the physical control behavior to suit your needs.

Freedompro devices are usable as soon as they are connected to the power supply; however, to use them best, it is recommended to customize the type of controls that are connected to them.

The controls can be configured via the Freedompro app; in case a WiFi network is not available, this function can also be configured via WebApp.

Pairing with Google, Amazon Alexa, Home Assistant or IFTTT

Easykon Lite is certified by Google and Amazon Alexa, Home Assistant and Freedompro service is among the ones published on IFTTT official site. This means that you are free to choose the platform you prefer or, why not, use more than one at the same time.

Choose your favourite assistant!




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